Thank You 🙏

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thanks for the key bob,but the door was already open and there is a lot of emptiness inside;)

have a great day

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Just to be clear, if we are to really understand emptiness, we must understand Ultimate Bodhicitta. Sometimes people conflate emptiness with nihilism; so, I wanted to make sure that others reading this understand. Emptiness is not nothing, it's something really significant, Ultimate Reality unending. In order to really know emptiness, we need the key of Bodhicitta.

Thanks for your comment, and have a great day as well.

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thanks for elaborating,

its just that the paradoxical side of appearances seem so ungraspable ,

i have lost my girlfriend but found the freedom to look into the nature of mind/dzogchen

i did read and connect to the spirit of cats,next thing that happens i do encounter a mountain lion quite closely whose taking a nap in the tree next to me,he didnt quite like to be woken up,just like me.

so when we let go of all that prefabricated stuff that fills our minds we have to face reality.

seemingly hurtful ,letting go of hope and fear is what only happens when we connect with this emptiness,without judgement and expectations.

understanding and valueing the key of boddhicitta,reconnecting with source within


something i experience with deep awe and gratitude.

maybe we could look together into these deep teachings that emptiness gives,i do appreciate the clarity and wisdom of all of you.

mögen alle wesen erwachen


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I really admire what you write in your posts about being genuine. It is hard to break the conditioning that we have in the west (the mindset I have been bought up in). Accumulating wealth means you will be liked and admired, being poor, you will get a lot of shame even from your own family, you end up spending your whole life trying to please them and earn their approval.

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Thank you very much. I'm glad that you are finding benefit.

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