Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert Aho

Robert, I have two questions, and I´d greatly appreciate your insights about them:

First, can you please tell me if your experience of Dharmakaya in your NDE was one of pure Subjectivity with no object? Was there any Self-Awareness there? How, if there is only Subjectivity?

Second: After twenty years of meditation and pondering, I can only regard myself as Awareness, not as a personal one, but totally impersonal, beyond any possible reduction to space/time or numerality. If I am not mistaken, and my insights are correct, that can only mean that my Awareness, right now, is Dharmakaya´s Awareness, the only Awareness there would be, which would also lead me to confirm that there is only one Self, one Identity for us all, which is the same, that is, Dharmakaya. Could you please comment? Thank you in advance.

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In reality, Dharmakaya cannot be fathomed by either subjectivity or objectivity. Dharmakaya is not an object. Self disappeared entirely into that bright brilliant condition. Self-awareness did not occur until consciousness began to emerge within the Sambhogakaya dimension. With Dharmakaya, awareness is all and beyond what we can fathom, without object, without subject. This can only be understood through direct experience. It is not something that I can point to, it is only something we can discover. If there is a subject or an object, it is relative reality. Ultimate Reality is beyond any constraints.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert Aho

I loved this ❣️💥🌈🙏

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert Aho

I like your writing very much ! its very clear and helpful .Thanks so much Robert .

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert Aho

I get what you mean but you are still inviting me to “believe” in Buddha ie another obstacle to remove before I enjoy reality.

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Hello Albert, the term 'Buddha' just means awakened one. In this regard, belief is completely useless. I am inviting you to discover who you really are, not to believe before you make that discovery. It's true that any belief is an obstacle. That said, people believe all sorts of things before they awaken, some useful, some not so useful. Your insight into this subject is very good. Blessings

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Robert Aho

I don’t know you to accept a compliment from you, but this is an important subject.

I am reading a book by Arthur Deikman : The Observing Self(1982) which has the same theme. The belief/earthbound pitfalls include those who teach as they discount their influence on the students because they haven’t found their Observing Self. Lusseyran terms it the “I” in his book : Against the Pollution of the I. (1999)

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I'm not familiar with that book. Looking into who this self is is very important. Be careful though, because people sometimes fall into a trap when they discover that there is no self. This is not an answer that needs much attention. It is simply more discovery. When we see that this belief in self or no-self is just another belief, then we can continue to discover our Real Nature, which is beyond belief.

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