Jan 5, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

Excellent write up sir. I feel I am gaining wisdom and learning methods for soul expansion by reading your writings. Thank you so much for this blog and God Bless!

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert Aho

Dear Robert

The purpose of my comment is not to arrange for counselling nor for anything from you personally. What I hoped for was that you could give me a pointer to perhaps assist. I do not want to take up too much of your time and I have therefore decided to describe in the shortest number of words our predicament.

My wife (69 years old) suffers from a very sore shoulder as older people tend to get. Her condition is called Osteoarthritis and it occurs when the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joint to deteriorate and become inflamed. My wife’s pain is severe and besides the physical pain she also suffers psychological pain as a result of her thoughts and beliefs around this matter. As her husband (76 years old) it pains me deeply to see her suffer and obviously deteriorate as a result of the many pain medicines that she has to consume and the long-term effects of overusing these medicines. I also suffer psychologically as I feel that as her husband, I should be able to help her to fund the operation that would be required to set her on the path of healing again.

In South Africa, where we live, you either have medical aid (I think in your country you refer to this as medical insurance) or you must look at the government medical health services for help. Unfortunately, the government services do not perform operation unless you break something, or you are involved in an accident which would require an operation. If the situation is not life threatening, they will not assist except for the provision of strong pain and anti-inflammatory medicines. It would cost about $30 000 do have such an operation done privately.

My thinking was that you may be aware of one or more affluent people from your country who would be willing to consider helping us. So, all I ask of you is to think for a moment of someone that you may think that we can approach that will not hurt them financially to give the assistance that we require.

I have gone short on the explanation as to why we have landed in a situation that in our older years we do not have the means to help ourselves. If further particulars are required, they will be gladly given.

Thanks for reading this email and considering whether there is someone that you can refer us to. Please note that I love my wife very much and that there is absolutely nothing that I will not do to come to her assistance.


Tonie Heyneke


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Please see the email that I just sent you. My private email, for questions or comments that you do not wish to be public, is bobaho@gmail.com

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hello robert,

what do you think about the issue of awakening with or without a teacher now?

as i read and followed your insights on teaching youre sometimes pro and sometimes totally against being the one having to deal with the obstacles created by other peoples minds.

some have said its almost impossible to awaken without help,some seek reclusion,others say its about right here and now in the daily grind,to be found at your feet.

sokei- an living right next to the trains over his head every minute in new york described profound silence,i prefer the forest,but these may be cut down and the planes over my head want to distract me;)

sometimes i think my aversion of teaching others is a lesson too,but a hindrance in self expression as well.

then there is prfect alignment with other people too,knowing and insights in abundance.

nothing lasts and maybe thats a good thing;)

just my thought and thanks again for writing here with and for us and alll beings to awaken



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Hi Christof:

It is essential that we gather all the teachings that we can in order to awaken. This means encountering teachers, finding a genuine teacher who can help us with meditation, maybe even finding a root guru at some point. People who harm us are teaching us something important; but, even then we must protect our mind. Even if we become very close to a teacher, we still spend most of our time alone practicing. A teacher is meant to give us helpful advice and guide us when we run into trouble.

Awakening is, however, completely up to us. No one can do this for us.

Hope that helps,


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So, we must find a teacher, then we must practice alone--so it's both. It's important not to turn your teacher into some sort of cult leader. It's also important to really consider his/her advice through your practice. Even great meditators, such as Milarepa, spent much of their lives in seclusion. I've also told people that one of the most beneficial ways I've meditated have been in public places, like riding the bus or waiting at the clinic for an appointment. We receive teachings from a teacher, practice those teachings, then continue with what is useful to us. The point is to awaken, utilizing what helps us to do so.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Robert Aho

It seems crazy to me, too! Here we are this timeless luminosity, but we're also human animals with survival instincts and sometimes very ugly behavior. It's challenging...

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Dear Robert

The purpose of my message is not to arrange for counselling nor for anything from you personally. What I hoped for was that you could give me a pointer to perhaps assist. I do not want to take up too much of your time and I have therefore decided to describe in the shortest number of words our predicament.

My wife (69 years old) suffers from a very sore shoulder as older people tend to get. Her condition is called Osteoarthritis and it occurs when the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joint to deteriorate and become inflamed. My wife’s pain is severe and besides the physical pain she also suffers psychological pain as a result of her thoughts and beliefs around this matter. As her husband (76 years old) it pains me deeply to see her suffer and obviously deteriorate as a result of the many pain medicines that she has to consume and the long-term effects of overusing these medicines. I also suffer psychologically as I feel that as her husband, I should be able to help her to fund the operation that would be required to set her on the path of healing again.

In South Africa, where we live, you either have medical aid (I think in your country you refer to this as medical insurance) or you must look at the government medical health services for help. Unfortunately, the government services do not perform operation unless you break something, or you are involved in an accident which would require an operation. If the situation is not life threatening, they will not assist except for the provision of strong pain and anti-inflammatory medicines. It would cost about $30 000 do have such an operation done privately.

My thinking was that you may be aware of one or more affluent people from your country who would be willing to consider helping us. So, all I ask of you is to think for a moment of someone that you may think that we can approach that will not hurt them financially to give the assistance that we require.

I have gone short on the explanation as to why we have landed in a situation that in our older years we do not have the means to help ourselves. If further particulars are required, they will be gladly given.

Thanks for reading this email and considering whether there is someone that you can refer us to. Please note that I love my wife very much and that there is absolutely nothing that I will not do to come to her assistance.


Tonie Heyneke


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