I could if I wanted to; however, it's important to not chase such things. Experiences should be allowed to simply happen. If we place too much significance on such things, it could easily become a trap.
With Dzogchen practice, there is always this awareness of our Real Nature, which also means that energy is not out of our vision. We might have very fantastic experiences; however, the way we practice is to simply remain present, not applying much significance to what ever appears. Since we are already aware of the infinite array of possibilities, one more fantastic experience is of little importance. We simply remain aware of the Nature of Mind, which is truly indescribable, far beyond belief. When energy manifests, such as sparks coming from our finger tips or rainbows appearing (which have both happened to me), it is simply another experience, not particularly notable. We remain present.
Thank you, Robert- that is powerful witness.
When you meditate can you go back to rainbow vision? It sounds glorious 🌈✨🌈✨🌈✨
I could if I wanted to; however, it's important to not chase such things. Experiences should be allowed to simply happen. If we place too much significance on such things, it could easily become a trap.
With Dzogchen practice, there is always this awareness of our Real Nature, which also means that energy is not out of our vision. We might have very fantastic experiences; however, the way we practice is to simply remain present, not applying much significance to what ever appears. Since we are already aware of the infinite array of possibilities, one more fantastic experience is of little importance. We simply remain aware of the Nature of Mind, which is truly indescribable, far beyond belief. When energy manifests, such as sparks coming from our finger tips or rainbows appearing (which have both happened to me), it is simply another experience, not particularly notable. We remain present.