Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

In our low vibratory life in Planet Earth we have to dedicate so much effort to our survival that our brain is constantly trying to separate us from the creativity side within ourselves, especially pure art, as if it were less important than growing the skills to earn a life, or even an obstacle to it. But in other expressions of the Dharmakaya, in different worlds where basic needs were already fulfilled or simply not needed, what reason other than creativity would there be?

I am already 48, and I was made for music composition, which has flowed through me since I was a kid, and for different reasons I left it aside and buried my frustration under my spiritual seeking. But only a few years ago I decided that this incarnation would have been a failure if I did not develop my skill, so even at this mature age, I have decided to give it a chance, and I am working hard to get a musical career.

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Author

To simply be is the reason, to be an expression of the light of Dharmakaya is the reason, revealing light, removing darkness. Our creativity should never be hidden or remain unresolved. I discovered this a few years ago. I'd been writing for quite some time, every chance I had I would write, or just think about creating. When one of my novels was stolen in the early nineties by a big corporation (or an agent associated with them), I decided to burn it all. I had a whole room full of manuscripts, notes, sketches--most of them truly awful--and I decided to burn them in a big bonfire. This felt really good at the time; however, my intentions were quite dark. An artist friend of mine reminded me after my NDE that I should not keep what springs from the heart hidden from the world. It would be tragic. I knew this intuitively; and, so, the demon was dissolved completely, as I began writing again, with the intention of publishing my work. I've been really surprised by how well people received my work. It seems to be what needed to happen, even all the trauma I've experienced in life.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

Exactly this. Spiritual satisfaction through the direct experience of our divinity must be the priority while in our incarnated bodies, but it should not be the carpet under which to hide our deepest human skills or longings.

Thank you and I am looking forward to reading more from you.

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maybe this is of help to understand the difficulties we have to face and ultimately are able resolve ourself.

the teachings we receive,how wanted or unwanted and pleasuring or hurting they may seem ,carry your healing,paradoxically ,too

they all originate from the same source and our duty is to express us in our own way, while helping each other to discover whats behind that illusionary curtain

as far as expression of art is concerned i learned a lot by roasting coffee;)meditation and action at the same time;)


robert, let me ask you something,

beeing ill and feverish lately i felt a different relation to time, while my body was inflamed and healing at the same time,

the perception of time passing shifted completly,everything slowed down and i dissociated mentally and physically from everything.

i went from catching up on tasks no end in sight,to being helpless ,alone and not functioning,both versions of myself being only part of my personalty,with different concepts and experience of time,

so being busy and meditating are both necessities,but the meditation is cancelled first thing on outside pressure,just being revalued when samsara and the need to go inside gets too obvious

what is time ?

you desribed timeless luminosity,but its not so easy to comprehend ,the concept of time seems very resistant;)?

so glad you are here by the way!

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Hi Christof:

Time is an illusion created by the thinking mind. It relies upon space. When we die or when we dream, time seems very different. Our ultimate condition is beyond time. This is so, simply because the ultimate is beyond all obstacles. We are no longer constrained by time. If we start paying attention to how we are when we are beyond ordinary constraints, then we can start to awaken.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

I've often deeply believed that a creative life in art was worth pursuing - that for me, it was in some way a search for God but I never really knew how to search for it.

I'd wonder, "How is it possible for energy to be transferred from thought to material form (in visual art) and back to thought again in another person's mind?" and be so wracked with the anxiety of whether or not the public would like the work I make.

Focusing on the internal (Light) instead of the external (demons), in the way that this reading suggests, has answered SO many of my questions in such a clear and definitive way. I am so grateful for this reading - thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for this comment. It cuts right to the core of our dilemma. If we worry about what people might think, then we have created a demon. When we create, when we truly create, it is much like meditation. It is an inward search of expression, connecting with our inner wisdom, intuition, or Buddha Nature. This light then manifests in our actions. It is, in essence, our mind finding a way to connect with our Real Nature, which is really light. We discover this. Creation becomes a door to the ineffable, cutting right through confusion.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

One thing I find confusing is that ultimately the demons are part of the Light but they believe they're separate? Like the white dot in the YIN symbol? Hard to ignore them!

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Well, a demon is nothing other than an obstruction. We only believe that they are real when we are confused by duality, which is, essentially, almost every being everywhere. Humans work very hard to generate obstructions; however, these obstructions are not independently existent, even though they may seem very real. Our condition of samsara should not even exist, except that we work so hard to generate this sense of separateness, maintaining what has never been real. Because we work so hard with concepts, thinking, believing, etc., this world appears before our senses. It is a magical display, much like a dream. No matter what we do, though, no matter how dark it seems, the light is always there, if only we can look at reality, as it is.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

Ah, Beautiful! Thank you 😊

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