Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

Robert, would you be so kind as to answer this question? I have found different answers, some of them satisfactory, but I can´t remember you speaking about this, nor have I read about it in the first pages of your "Timeless Luminosity" book, which is already in my hands.

The question is, why Creation? Why crack the Absolute´s Mind into trillions of manifest ignorant beings that don´t know their real nature while they wander in illusory realms, let them become Dharmakaya again after the death of their bodies, only to create another manifest version, etc., all that in a huge span of time?

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023Author

Why is a very good question; and, it's not so easy to explain or to understand without realizing the Nature of Mind. We think far too highly of ourselves most of the time, wondering how this or that could happen to us. The reality is, we bring this on ourselves, all of it. Cyclic existence is not something that is generated outside, it is generated by the confused mind. We create our own obstacles. We create our own karma. We perpetuate cyclic existence simply because we have the freedom to do so; and, we have no idea what we are doing when we act.

Our real condition in light reflects an infinite number of possibilities. Because we don't know what we're doing, we remain on the path of infinite suffering. The Absolute is not mind, it is the Nature of Mind, beyond any sort of reification or constraint. Mind is generated by beings who are deluded, as thoughts and disturbing emotions. When we awaken, we may still have thoughts and emotions; however, we are no longer constrained by them, we can easily let them go.

Thinking of Dharmakaya as an object or a consciousness is to not quite get what that is. When we are the light, we are aware that thoughts exist, all thoughts, everywhere, in all beings, all at once throughout all time; however, it is of very minor consequence. It is part of the All-Good, apparent in our infinite awareness, not particularly noticeable or noteworthy. When I came back, knowing how truly microscopic this self actually is, it was a bit depressing for a while, until I was able to remain in that knowledge without being affected by the turbulence surrounding such knowledge.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

First, thank you very much for the very detailed reply, which I really appreciate. And I don´t like being a pest:)... but I have to ask again, because I think I should have been more specific with my question. Actually I referred not so much to the recurrent manifestation of beings with a life fuelled by a karma that keeps the whole process going, but to the first move. The first, ever, initial "desire" (I know this is not the right word) that brought universe/s into existence. Is Creation, in the first place, the result of Dharmakaya´s intention to manifest relative realms? Is Shambogakaya the "energy-dought" behind the relative? Why, in the end, "something" and not just Dharmakaya?

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There is no first. This is not the first universe, the only universe, nor is it the last universe. We live amid an infinitely expanding array of universes, an infinite number of them--all of them an illusion of mind. Dharmakaya is everything and beyond, we're just not aware of that. We've never left Dharmakaya, it's not possible. Beings are deluded because these are possibilities, just as awakening to what we naturally are is a possibility. To think of reality, we must shed any sort of limitation created by mind.

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another great one bob!

the superiour man cultivates the foundation

a dear friend has come from a distance,it is delightful.


this plain feeling is the basis of human mind


may all beings awaken


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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

Hi Rob, I am loving your books and I like how "the frog" is just so honest, it makes me feel not so bad when I make mistakes and I misunderstand so much. I always go back to "timeless luminosity" whenever I need a break and to remind myself who I am and where I came from. Thank you so much and please keep writing. Its helping so much and I am very grateful for your patience, Blessings from Michelle and have a great day.

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Hi Michelle,

Thank you very much and I'm very glad you are finding benefit. Never give up.

Infinite Blessings,


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