Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert Aho

My favourite chapter so far in your 2nd book is "Frog Vomit", I'm really enjoying it and I am so glad that the little frog doesn't give up on finding the Truth. I felt like Christianity got really secretive when I asked the tricky questions. I told someone the other day that Christs message was about love and compassion and they insisted that I was wrong. I like your sentence : People want something genuine that brings them closer to the light of who we really are, I like that, it gives me hope. We all want genuine. It feels like all everyone wants to do these days is take away your hope. Blessings from Michelle

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023Author

Thank you for letting me know, Michelle. As you can imagine, I laughed and laughed when I wrote that chapter, I'm so glad you are finding benefit. I haven't been a Christian for a quite a few years; however, when I more recently reread the Gospels, I was amazed to see that it was all about love and compassion, which is very Buddhist. I had the same experience with people who just couldn't see love and compassion in Christ's message, preferring to focus on hell and damnation instead. It's so sad when someone misses that most obvious teaching.

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