My son's massive anger issues helped to Awaken me! In some respects anger can be a teacher, just like peace. Perhaps we play this Earth game like hide n seek. Asleep.... Awake!
Yes! Our emotions have created so much difficulty in our lives. Our world is a reflection of reified thoughts and emotions.
Emotions and thoughts can only change if there is a shift in attention to other aspects of experience. As they lessen their ability to distract and confound they can simply be seen through rather than being absorbed in them. Anyway just reminding myself to see rather than pursue seems to be a good beginning?
“Anger is what creates the most suffering and obstacles for us. “ My girlfriend and I discussed this. How it’s also important to not repress our feeling. But then I realize that acting out in anger actually is repressing the feelings bc we are not actually feeling the feelings but projecting them out onto someone or something else to avoid the pain. What do you think?
It's just like any other thought, we don't do anything with it, other than simply acknowledge it with awareness. In that, we let it drift away on its own. If we act on our anger, then the anger multiplies. If we try to cover it up, then it gets bigger. If we push it away, then it comes back with increased force. Emotions are just mind in motion, no different than any thought. We must remain present in our awareness, not trying to do anything with thoughts or emotions, just let them pass.
My son's massive anger issues helped to Awaken me! In some respects anger can be a teacher, just like peace. Perhaps we play this Earth game like hide n seek. Asleep.... Awake!
That's really wonderful. As I have said many times, everything is Dharma. Even something like anger can be used for awakening. Keep up the good work!
Yes! Our emotions have created so much difficulty in our lives. Our world is a reflection of reified thoughts and emotions.
Emotions and thoughts can only change if there is a shift in attention to other aspects of experience. As they lessen their ability to distract and confound they can simply be seen through rather than being absorbed in them. Anyway just reminding myself to see rather than pursue seems to be a good beginning?
Thank You 🙏
Very well said! 💖🙏
“Anger is what creates the most suffering and obstacles for us. “ My girlfriend and I discussed this. How it’s also important to not repress our feeling. But then I realize that acting out in anger actually is repressing the feelings bc we are not actually feeling the feelings but projecting them out onto someone or something else to avoid the pain. What do you think?
It's just like any other thought, we don't do anything with it, other than simply acknowledge it with awareness. In that, we let it drift away on its own. If we act on our anger, then the anger multiplies. If we try to cover it up, then it gets bigger. If we push it away, then it comes back with increased force. Emotions are just mind in motion, no different than any thought. We must remain present in our awareness, not trying to do anything with thoughts or emotions, just let them pass.
Yes. Exactly. Thank you Sensei