not dependent upon space
beyond all constraints of time
beyond thoughts of expansiveness
containing all that we know, all
as only a small microscopic iota
barely there in that intense
luminous state beyond
beyond all that can be imagined
beyond all that is all,
this is our real
That infinite expanse is
just the first step
on our journey
this place
where we
~Robert Aho~
The poem, Timeless Expanse, within the book, Timeless Luminosity © 2020.
Some people become very confused when I try to explain my death experience, especially as it relates to time. This was not confusing to me in the least. I began my journey by understanding very well that everything is an illusion. This is a very Buddhist principle; however, we’re asked to examine for ourselves, to not take anyone’s word for it. If we gaze at mind, paying attention to all of our senses, we eventually realize the empty nature of everything that we think. We see mind in motion, we see that our perceptions are very limited.
So, as I have explained many times, I became that ineffable light for an eternity. This condition, where self completely disappeared, occurred for an eternity; although, even that should not be reified as an object of mind. This one point is very easy to understand, because it is our real condition, beyond belief, beyond concept, beyond ordinary human reasoning. We can only understand this one point by completely relaxing and being present in that.
So, time did not stop, it did not continue, it did not travel in reverse, it was not simultaneously occurring, it was not nothing. Time did not exist as anything other than illusion in this expansive bright awareness. If we were to reify time as something we conceptualize as eternity, that would be far less than what I experienced. Even that would be a limitation.
Imagine our universe going on forever. Then, imagine a parallel universe going on forever, then another and another. Imagine an infinite array of such universes going on forever, maybe expanding and crashing, or maybe just continuing in their expansion. In each of these universes, although they go on forever, they are each limited by space, and space is also illusory. This condition of bright light is not constrained by illusions, such as space or time, or mind.
If there are no limitations, then the illusion of time ceases to be an obstacle. Pure radiant awareness, beyond the constraints of consciousness, bring about a condition of reality that is far more real than anything we can imagine. It must be experienced directly; and, when it is experienced directly, we find ourselves at a loss to actually explain what that is.
With my journey back into my body, I describe it as taking a hundred years, or at least something equivalent to a very long lifetime. This happened in the energetic dimension, that place where consciousness creates existence. When I was in that condition, I witnessed all sorts of possibilities, really an infinite array of possibilities, many types of heavens, an infinite array of universes, swirling expansive storms that are far greater than any universe; and, time was not at all the same as what we witness on Earth.
Here again, I am at a loss to really explain just what that is. It must be experienced directly. Any attempt to explain the nuances, or the reality we experience, simply falls short. It is beyond human constraints of mind, such as belief or concept. Time does not mean the same thing when we are being hurled through existence at such amazing velocities, while remaining present in this one point. When we are in this Sambhogakaya dimension, we are beyond the perception of ordinary humans. We are beyond time in the way that we know it.
In order for me to come back, I needed to recreate myself, utilizing notions of becoming and remaining in a physical dimension. This took a great deal of work, not only in this fabrication, but also in slowing myself sufficiently into a very small place, such as our universe, as well as that tiny little flying speck we call Earth. I can’t really describe the process of becoming human once again. It really involved accepting the effort and confusion that being human requires.
Once I was back in my body, as I’ve explained many times, all this happened in the five minutes that I had flatlined. It seemed funny to me that this illusion of physical existence even appears at all. It takes such tremendous effort to keep it going, and it is such a bother. I laughed about it in the hospital, and I continue to laugh a great deal, when I think about this cosmic joke. We work very hard indeed to perpetuate our own suffering. And, we resist awakening, which is the easiest thing of all.
As you go through fabricated time, pay attention to just how hard you struggle to put it all together, not letting any of it happen without elaboration, not being present in the inexplicable. We work very hard at perpetuating our demise, then we complain about it constantly. If we simply relax, remaining completely present, we can awaken.
Blessings in Light,
Robert Aho
Yes , Bodhicitta and laughing about this great cosmic joke till we all get it
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Thanks for another beautiful and inspiring post, Robert.
As almost always, I´d like to make you a question on this. Why the need for Dharmakaya to project manifested universes and all kinds of beings populating them?Nothing lacking in Dharmakaya´s nature, and "boredom" is not even conceivable in a perfect state, so why project individual body-mind perspectives? I´ve never read any NDE where the person wanted to revert to an individualized state, but the pull, sometimes accompanied by verbalized orders, is too strong. How so?