My view changed after having spent an eternity in that brilliantly bright light of Dharmakaya. I gained great confidence in teachings related to awakening. I could look at a teaching and see what is helpful, what isn’t quite right or what might even be harmful. This should not surprise anyone.
And, to be quite clear, this does not mean that I attained more beliefs. It also does not mean that it confirmed my beliefs that I had held previously. My experience confirmed that my Spiritual Path had been most helpful, essentially perfect, even when I had made certain blunders. My experience confirmed that the application of teachings that went beyond belief were correct. It confirmed my realization of the Nature of Mind. This gave me great confidence.
This does not mean that you should believe whatever I say without question. I wouldn’t want you to do that, because your own Spiritual Path is precious. The potentiality of what you will discover on your own is precious; so, you must open your heart and mind in your own way. Gain strength knowing that you have infinite potentiality, with or without the words of others. It is within you, right now in this moment. You don’t need a book. You don’t need to take anyone’s word for anything.
I also came out of that amazing light being able to see how this Ultimate Wisdom is not the property of any religion, or church, or temple, or monastery, or institution, or religious leader. We all have equal access to what is Ultimately Real. We have all we need, if we look inwardly. No one can speak for the Source, or Dharmakaya, or God. Run away, if someone tells you to have blind faith, to not consider for yourself, to not question anything. They’re obviously up to no good.
Belief is deeper than what people often think. Belief is absolutely worthless, unless it has a temporary use, unless it is about following a Path to Liberation. Belief should never be the goal. Belief is about maintaining our Spiritual Practice by utilizing profound teachings, for a time, until you are ready to let that go. If you believe in a great master, it is an insult to blindly believe everything they say. It diminishes their teachings. You must merge what you know with what the master knows through Spiritual Practice.
What is most important is that you discover the truth of what they say for yourself, through Spiritual Practice, through the application of what you learn. Anything else is of no value. We must take responsibility for our own Spiritual Well-being. A genuine Spiritual Master has the intention that their students will eventually mature to the same level that they are at. They encourage discovery through Spiritual Practice. It is our responsibility. No one else can do this for us.
Having this attitude of responsibility for your own Spiritual Practice is so important. In Buddhism, gaze into mind, consider for yourself. In Christianity, the Kingdom of God is within you. These are teachings from profound masters that will help you to awaken to what is, as it is. These teachings are about how you should consider for yourself what is to be known. It’s not about a superficial belief, it’s about knowing deeply, discovering for yourself in order to awaken.
If you believe in a great master, then you apply their teachings. It doesn’t mean something shallow like you acknowledging that they’re there and then doing something entirely different, heading off in a different direction. Spiritual Practice is about knowing and discovery. It goes beyond belief. It is the application of belief in order to realize for yourself what should be adopted or abandoned. There’s nothing superficial about it. Belief is about thoroughly examining in order to know; although, I must also say that belief in and of itself does not provide liberation. Belief is worthless, when it comes down to actually awakening. To awaken, we must know directly. It has nothing to do with belief.
When you first see that Dharma is only meant for awakening, not belief, you will be astonished, you may even laugh. When you begin to discover what it means to be beyond belief, you will find reasons to dance and sing. As you proceed, you will remain cognizant of your amazing efforts. As you get close to awakening, despite being weary, effort becomes effortless. Awakening is most profound.
In your Spiritual Path, don’t be afraid to cast things aside as you discover more profound knowledge. To become fully liberated, to become integrated with the light for all eternity, you will need to let go of everything, at some point. In this, you will find bright profound awareness. You will become liberated from this perpetual cycle of suffering, this Ocean of Samsara. You will merge with your own infinite potentiality.
Be inspired, gain confidence, proceed into liberation. You have this ability. I am confident that you will awaken.
Blessings in Light,
Robert Aho
for those of you who would like to receive an expanded teaching from bob in a longer format,
i do recommend watching his recent appearance on the podcast magic is real on youtube,
may all beings awaken
the writing progresses