The pure insanity of this place,
this world, this small corner of this energetic
appearance materializing, quite simply
it boggles the mind;
Ignorance and destruction, grasping
making sure it will keep happening in an eternal spiral,
crazy people eating flesh from their own mother’s bones,
desire for more of that insanity, and more and more . . . and more,
it brings such profound sadness to bear
for those who can see just what is going on here;
It is all
~Robert Aho~
A poem from The Frog: A Spiritual Autobiography, Spanning Many Lifetimes © 2021.
Quantum physics is beginning to understand what Buddhism has known all along, that what we think is real is not really real, that the multiverse exists in the same way that this universe exists, that what we do here, now, can create dramatic changes throughout the universe and beyond. Sometimes, when learning about what quantum physicists are discussing, one might hear something like particles appearing in two places at once, or particles leaving this universe into another universe, then reappearing here, or that nothing is real until you conceptualize or measure it. Nonduality is being discovered through the scientific methods in the West.
When I died, people became very confused or even upset when I described completely losing self in that extremely bright light. I became fully integrated at once upon my death. When I returned, I had to reassemble this person who once thought he was real. It was painful.
What became obvious is that I never left that light. I’m still there, fully integrated with the ineffable wisdom beyond our feeble human minds. From a limited point of view, it could be explained that I’m in two places at once. From my point of view, there’s no place to be separately existing. This person, Robert, is just a figment of imagination. It’s actually really depressing when I have certain moments when I become nostalgic for a time when I actually thought I was real.
This is a little bit difficult to explain, or understand for that matter, especially considering how often I have wished for all beings to awaken; however, one should not really want to become enlightened. One should decide to awaken, then relax into that awareness. You’re already there, you just don’t know it yet. If you cultivate some concept or goal about awakening, then you are cultivating a concept about what you think enlightenment might be. It’s not that.
When we awaken, we simply relax into our natural condition. We remove all obstacles and then simply open our eyes, so to speak. It’s not an extreme maneuver with our Spiritual Life. It’s not a declaration or an idea. It’s not nothing and it’s not everything. It’s simply, quietly, awakening to reality. It’s opening our heart and mind completely.
Now, this is difficult to do, because many people will create a lot of noise when you start to awaken. They won’t like it one bit, because now you are contradicting what they believe, no matter what that belief may be. Awakening, whether you awaken or someone else awakens, will be shining a light on those who would rather keep sleeping. I explain this quite a bit in The Frog. It could be misinterpreted as complaining, or sour grapes. What it is is really just looking at things the way they are. Some may find it offensive that I wrote about certain things; however, my own honesty and light shining brightly is far more important than a few grumbling people who wish never to awaken.
If you wish to awaken, then you will need some idea of the sorts of things you will most certainly face; and, I should say, this wish to awaken is still not something that we should ever want. It needs to happen naturally and spontaneously, without hope or fear. When we cultivate Bodhicitta, we do so without any thought of defending ego, perpetuating self or even ever finding anything. This wish to awaken needs to be cultivated at once as enlightened mind itself. We do so by simply resting into our ineffable condition, without concept or belief.
Why would we do this? It’s because fooling ourselves for all eternity is starting to become a painful joke. It’s always been pure insanity. We may have a moment of peace here or there; however, by not knowing who we really are, we just find ourselves stumbling from one avoidable disaster to another. Now that we know that we can awaken, we no longer have a reason to continue with this habitual delusion.
When we develop compassion for this person who we mistakenly think we are, we are beginning to understand something quite essential, and we no longer see the point of this state of not knowing that is inherent with cyclic existence. We now have the seed that is required to escape cyclic existence. Pay attention to that one point. It’s very important, because if we do not understand this reason that we wish to awaken, then we are certain to fall in one of the many traps coming our way on the Spiritual Path.
Please treat your own human life as something precious. Knowing this, you will most certainly awaken.
Blessings in Light,
Robert Aho
Insane habits of not abiding in the recognition of all.
Its obvious you treat all human life as precious. Thank you.