In my last newsletter, I made the point that, in relative reality, all points of view are equal. No point of view is better than any other. Points of view all contribute to an infinitely varying field of possibilities.
Now, this is something that can easily be misconstrued. We may think that we have no reason to live an altruistic existence, or that our own ego and ignorance is fine. We may come to the conclusion that we can be attached to things, or, just as easily, repulsed by things. We may think that we can have a low-quality existence, that we can make it a point to grovel in the mud of our own delusions.
You may have noticed something a bit comical about this vision. If we wish to continue in perpetual angst, pain and suffering, then, by all means, continue as before. If, however, we wish to leave this perpetual cycle, we need to awaken. In order to do that, we need to begin fine-tuning our vision. This starts with Bodhicitta.
If you look at your own life, trying to see it from outside yourself, really studying it closely, you will begin to develop compassion for yourself. Since you have been introduced to this idea of awakening, the compassion you experience for yourself will begin to ignite the will to awaken. You will see, through inner vision, that you have been trapped in this cycle of existence for all eternity. You will see that this trap never ends, and that the only way to leave this cycle is to enter a commitment to improving your own qualities. This is Bodhicitta.
Once your driving force for awakening ignites, it does not mean that you are any different than any other being, it simply means that you are improving your quality. In this sense, your quality improves with having great compassion for self, then igniting the need to awaken. That’s the foundation for awakening; however, it is still relative reality. One should continue in this way for as long as it takes to build a strong foundation. If you move on to more advanced techniques utilized for awakening, without having a strong foundation, then it will be for nothing. You will find yourself back in the same place where you started, at the mercy of the karmic winds, living cyclic existence for all of eternity, completely out of control, futility, pain, grasping, ignorance—whatever may come your way.
So, take this one point to heart when you consider all points of view within this expanse of relative reality: Awakening is the ultimate quality. With each step of your own awakening, you increase your qualities. Your compassion arises because you see the equality of all views within relative reality, and you also understand the qualities of those who seek enlightenment.
It’s so easy for people to become competitive about their Spiritual Path; however, this is one thing you should never feel competitive about. When you awaken, all awaken. When another awakens, you awaken. Within a dualistic vision, what is not understood is this idea of nonduality. What happens to one, happens to all. If we are competitive about those things that bring benefit, then we diminish the quality of all. To understand this point, we must keep the feeling of Ultimate Reality in our heart, while not being so serious about relative reality. When a being is trapped in delusion, it is like being in an ocean of suffering, not knowing how to get out of our predicament. Once you awaken, you might laugh, realizing how easy it had been all along.
Relative reality, or samsara, is never more than a temporary condition, even though it lasts for all eternity. Every moment that passes is here, gone, and never there to begin with, even though we perceive some sort of continuity. Our ideas are transitory. Consciousness transmigrates in life just as it does in death. In our lives, we go from one self to another with each moment. It’s never the same and never permanent. When we are reborn, we are part of that same continuity of delusion that is constantly in turmoil. We keep grasping at a self that is constantly changing, not separate from others, clinging to or being repulsed by whatever comes our way in our lives—and it amounts to nothing! This is why we refer to samsara as cyclic existence.
When it comes to quality, do not think for a second that you will not need to increase that. In relative reality, those with low quality have all possibilities covered. All the possibilities of really bad behavior and harmful or destructive negativity are completely covered. What I am suggesting is that you take a rare path, one that increases qualities for all beings. This means increasing the light in your life. This means opening your heart and mind to the possibilities inherent with an awakened mind.
Bodhicitta means you have this spark, this inspiration to become ineffable, to return home once and for all. It means you are open to all the possibilities, while having compassion for all beings. Use the key of Bodhicitta, for yourself and others. Continue until you awaken from this restless dream that has perplexed you for all eternity.
Blessings in Light,
Robert Aho
I would like to see all of these posts published as a book some day.
So many important phrases in this text. Thank you.