When we contemplate death, our impermanent lives, what happens next, we do so trying to make some sort of sense out of that. Great religions have sprung up around this idea, all contemplating death or what we can expect. Religious leaders speculate about this or that, speaking of it as fact, as if they’ve received an inside scoop.
Well, I hate to break it to you, however, there’s no inside scoop. Speculations are fiction. You need to recall the inexpressible condition for yourself; and, we’ve all faced death billions of times and more. Contemplate to understand that experience of the ineffable. When we try to make sense of that through belief and concept, the knowledge disappears entirely. POOF! It’s gone. Now we’re back to guessing and trying to make some sense out of that.
With my own Near Death Experience, one of the first things that occurred to me was a question. How am I to possibly explain this to anyone? It was beyond what we think, what belief tells us, what becomes possible through concept. It was beyond all of that.
This does not make me an expert, simply because I died. We all die. We all come back. What I am sharing with you is this idea that you can become an expert in your own spiritual life, by simply not clinging to the idea of belief and all that entails. Looking to others for answers is to ask someone who is less expert than you. Your own discovery is what matters.
I want everyone to become empowered with their own Spiritual Path, so that we can all awaken. I can’t actually share the knowledge that I have gained, I can only help you to discover if for yourself. This discovery you acquire is what matters most.
With my first published book, Timeless Luminosity, I was not so much concerned about describing my NDE as I was in finding a way to inspire people to become enlightened, to awaken. Some people wanted to know more, feeling somewhat unsatisfied that I had not spent more time explaining what happens when we die. Others weren’t too sure if they could awaken. They needed more confidence in order to have enough faith and determination in their own Spiritual Path.
This idea of explaining my own experiences with death didn’t seem like something I could do without first giving a broad background about my own Spiritual Path. If people were to have the confidence that they needed and the determination, as well as the perseverance required, they needed to understand just what an intensive spiritual life is like, and how it helps us when we die. That’s why I wrote The Frog: A Spiritual Autobiography Spanning Many Lifetimes. It seems like I may have shared too much with this one; however, I have been told that this work has helped people in the way that I intended.
Now, as a big announcement, my third book is starting to near completion. This book, The Délok, answers more of what people are curious about, in vast detail. This book has taken a great deal to accomplish, simply because I have been forced to return to death repeatedly through meditation. It’s the only way that I can remember details.
Even so, I’m writing this book more as a work of fiction, based upon real events. I cannot make the assertion that this is nonfiction, because it did not make sense writing it that way. I’m not the person that I was. I don’t believe that I’m real. I can’t say that anything that appears is real. If I were to write this book as if it happened to me, it would be annoying and incorrect. My death appeared to consciousness transmigrating, without a self. If I wrote it that way, it would only confuse people.
Finding a way to write this book that made sense was a huge dilemma. I involved my editor early in the process, going back and forth with different tones of writing and from different viewpoints, moving the work to something that more closely resembles a novel. Eventually, it came together in a way that has me mostly satisfied with the way that it communicates.
The term Délok, if you did not know already, is a Tibetan term, meaning one who has returned from death.
Hopefully, these three works will come together for people in a way that they can find benefit, in order to awaken. Isn’t it cool that we all intuitively know that reality is found in death? I wonder why that is? Perhaps my initial statement that we’ve all been through this before, that we’ve all experienced the ineffable billions of times and more makes sense. Perhaps we can all use this notion of death to help us awaken.
I have no doubt, we will all awaken.
So grateful that you continue to try to convey your experiences 🙏 really looking forward to the new book! 💚